The Fotohalbmarathon usually covers 12 topics. Within a time frame of 6 hours, one photo has to be taken for each topic. Starting at 11 a.m., all pictures have to be shot until 5 p.m.
Schedule (all times given in CET):
- 10:30 a.m., all registered participants receive a welcome (email),
- 11:00 a.m., topics 1 to 4 will be published (email + web site),
- 1:00 p.m., topics 5 to 8 will be published (email + web site),
- 3:00 p.m., topics 9 to 12 will be published (email + web site),
- All pictures have to be taken until 5:00 p.m,
- The pictures have to be sent to the organisers until 7:00 p.m.
- For each topic, you have as many tries as you need. However, you have to shoot the pictures in the given order and submit only 1 photo per topic.
- The timestamp of the submitted pictures thus has to increase along with the topics.
- All pictures must be taken with the same camera.
The place and time of each picture has to be submitted along with the picture.- Team members must not appear in the pictures, to keep anonymity.
- If you want to take a picture of a stranger, ask him or her IN ADVANCE.
- Any manipulation of pictures (including software effects) is not allowed (we know that this is difficult to control – but we count on your sportsmanship).
- Colour effects (black-and-white and photographic print toning) that directly affect the original image during picture taking on the camera are allowed.
General stuff
- Participants can be either individual persons or teams of any desired size. During the Fotohalbmarathon you will need a digital camera and an internet connection.
- Registration is possible until one week before the Fotohalbmarathon starts. You will need a working email address.
- A registration fee of 5 EUR per team member is requested (to be used for prizes).
- The topics will be published on the home page at
- The pictures have to be uploaded to our server between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. Details will be emailed to you.
By registering, you agree that the submitted pictures can be published on the home page of the Fotohalbmarathon.
Both, a jury as well as the participating teams, will judge the submitted picture series. The three top-rated series and the best picture will be awarded.
The winners will be determined using a point system:
- Serial theme: Here, the entity of the picture series is judged (key word: leitmotif).
Each team HAS TO allocate in total 20 points to the best series, excluding their own. Yet an individual series can only get a maximum of 10 points. - Topical theme: Here, the implementation of the different topics into the pictures is evaluated.
Each team HAS TO allocate in total 10 points to all pictures of one topic, excluding their own. Yet an individual picture can only get a maximum of 5 points. This procedure is performed for each of the 12 topics. - The best picture: Here, the best picture is determined, regardless of the serial or topical theme.
Each team HAS TO allocate in total 10 points to all pictures. Yet an individual picture can only get a maximum of 5 points.
The final decision will be determined to equal parts by both the jury results and the combined results of the participants.